It’s no surprise that 2020 has been filled with the unknown...
As someone who likes to plan and is a bit of a control freak, this year has been fraught with twists and turns. If you’re like me, or even if you’re not, I think we can all agree that the one thing that CAN make a difference in our lives is being grateful for what we have. Whether that be good health, your family, friends, your job, or simply having a roof over your head and food with your meals; we all have things to be thankful for.
It’s also not surprising with all that’s been thrown our way this year that perhaps we’ve fallen into a routine of just going through the motions, not stopping to pay attention to what we’re grateful for. Gratitude is something that we have to ‘choose’ to feel. Having an ‘attitude of gratitude’ is a lifestyle. Making time to start your day with a grateful heart is something that can turn what might seem like a day of chaos into a day of joy. It’s more than simply thinking positive. It’s about making it part of your daily routine. No matter how young or old, if you're busy or bored, starting your day with gratitude WILL make a difference in the outcome of your day.
One thing’s for certain, we don’t have to look far to see that we’re very fortunate on many levels. I’ve found that writing down my gratitude's each morning is a way to continue reminding myself of all that I’m thankful for. It might sound silly to someone who’s never tried it before, but it works. I also know that when you feel grateful, you’re more likely to do for others who may not have what you have… you’ll look for ways to make a difference in someone else's life. It isn’t always about giving money. Sometimes it’s about spending time with someone who is alone or offering caring words to someone in need. When you choose to be grateful, people around you will see a difference. It’s something that’s contagious and worthy of being caught.
2020 has been difficult for many. We’re hopeful for the days ahead to be better than the days in your rearview mirror. We’re looking forward to 2021 with a grateful heart -- having an Attitude of Gratitude and hopeful that we can make a difference in the lives of those around us.
Wishing you a blessed Christmas and an amazing New Year!
For Better or Worse?!

Dec 16, 2020
Real Estate